Category: Vegetarian recipes

Incredibly Moreish Cheesy Pastry Straws (Gluten-Free)

Recipe by Julia Zouev. Photography and styling by Tanya Zouev. When it comes to food, my ex-husband (yes, unfortunately I have one of those tucked away) used to call my mother Julia the Human Photocopier. We would take her out to to a café or restaurant, she would sample something new, then come home and … Continue reading Incredibly Moreish Cheesy Pastry Straws (Gluten-Free)

Babushka Eggplants (Georgian-Style Eggplants Stuffed with Carrot, Parsnip & Capsicum)

Recipe by Julia Zouev. Photography & styling by Tanya Zouev. When my Babushka was alive, she would ask me not to think too much. She used to say, “Let a horse do all the thinking, it has a big head”. Well I’m not sure I would leave all my thinking to an equine, but it was … Continue reading Babushka Eggplants (Georgian-Style Eggplants Stuffed with Carrot, Parsnip & Capsicum)

Gigantes Plaki (Greek Baked Beans) with Maple Syrup

Recipe, photography & styling by Tanya Zouev. I love baked beans and the most likely type a Russian kid growing up in Australia in the 1970’s would have eaten was Heinz. I remember the jingle “Beanz Meanz Heinz” with some fondness as the TV ads gave me a sense of what it was like to be … Continue reading Gigantes Plaki (Greek Baked Beans) with Maple Syrup

European-Style Potato Salad With Sour Cream Dill Dressing

Recipe by Julia Zouev. Photography & styling by Tanya Zouev. Like most Russian kids, I grew up eating a lot of potatoes. They were usually mashed, fried into chips, or crisps eaten out of a bag and there were even occasions those very crisps were dipped into a jar of pasta sauce (childhood vice). When … Continue reading European-Style Potato Salad With Sour Cream Dill Dressing

Turmeric Roasted Cauliflower with Cherry Tomatoes & Cannellini Beans

Recipe, photography & styling by Tanya Zouev. When my four year old son Marc is presented with a food he doesn’t like he says, “that’s not my favourite”. Well, cauliflower wasn’t my favourite either for a good part of my life. Then as with other foods that I didn’t eat until well into adulthood, something … Continue reading Turmeric Roasted Cauliflower with Cherry Tomatoes & Cannellini Beans

Boxty (Gluten-Free Irish Potato Pancakes)

Recipe, photography and styling by Tanya Zouev. I adore the Irish and equally adore celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day. In fact, before I became a mother it used to be a compulsory night out, preferably in the tackiest Irish-themed pub in town, with my Irish friend Eileen in tow. She was a friend I could always … Continue reading Boxty (Gluten-Free Irish Potato Pancakes)

The Zakouska Table: Russian Cucumber & Radish Salad

Recipe, photography & styling by Tanya Zouev. I would like to start my post this week with a light discussion on simplicity, specifically simplicity which relates to food. This is something which can elude me at times as I tend to make every meal an event, whereas my minimalist husband prefers keeping things simple, particularly … Continue reading The Zakouska Table: Russian Cucumber & Radish Salad

Borscht (Ukrainian Beetroot Soup)

Recipe by Julia Zouev. Photography and styling by Tanya Zouev. This story was originally put together for Lucy Leonardi who is a hugely talented Sydney photographer and who has a fabulous blog called Who Does The Dishes. Lucy came to my home recently to photograph my mother and I cooking borscht for her story, and me … Continue reading Borscht (Ukrainian Beetroot Soup)

Fasulye (Turkish Green Bean & Tomato Stew)

Recipe by Ozlem Ennor. Photography and styling by Tanya Zouev. I have a wonderful friend named Ozi who is Turkish. We met at a local playcentre through our young sons, were bouncing all over one another on a jumping castle like young pups. Ozi rushed over to see if her rambunctious son was possibly (accidentally) … Continue reading Fasulye (Turkish Green Bean & Tomato Stew)

Sweet & Spicy Carrot Salad with Coriander

Recipe, photography and styling by Tanya Zouev. Carrots are a beautiful vegetable, and I believe any vegetable my three year old will eat to be particularly beautiful. This salad started out as a way to use up a very large amount of organic carrots I bought on special, not realising that I already had a … Continue reading Sweet & Spicy Carrot Salad with Coriander